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Police Recording Law - The Final Vote

The Public Servants in Arizona are trying to stop we the people from recording police.

Event Sep 3, 2022 Sep 27, 2022
Share (Alt) Arizona 1, Arizona 2, Arizona 4, Arizona 5, Arizona 6, Arizona 7

Back in July the Arizona government decided to "pass a law" making it illegal to record police. 

According to the Arizona Constitution the people have the final vote. Within 90 days after the governor signs a bill, the people can sign a petition against it to prevent it from being considered a law in Arizona. 

We the people have the final say! Let your voice be heard!

Silence is a form of Consent.

We need people who are willing to step up NOW to volunteer in gathering organizations and people in Arizona to gather signatures against this unconstitutional bill being passed off as law in Arizona. 

We have only ONE MONTH to get this done, but I believe we can do it!  

We need to get every freedom minded organization, patriot groups, and every liberty minded american to get involved in gathering signatures. 

Please let me know ASAP if you have experience gathering signatures in Arizona we really need your experience.

hb2319s.pdf (21 KB)

Federal Lawsuit Halts New Police Recording Bill

Sep 27, 2022 Sep 27, 2022
https://www.peoplesrights.us/news?/police-recording-law-the-final-vote/0e8df8ec-78af-4247-96b5-bcf30bcdce57/c24035d0-1039-4f38-be46-8878ed533976 https://pplsrghts.net/0e8df8ec-78af-4247-96b5-bcf30bcdce57/c24035d0-1039-4f38-be46-8878ed533976 Permalink (Alt)

A Federal Lawsuit has put a stop to a new "law" HB2319 from taking effect in Arizona on Sept. 24th 2022. The judge in the federal court case approved an injunction on the basis of constitutional question. 

We need to make sure this is completely and totally deemed unconstitutional. Public Servant accountability should not be criminalized in any way whatsoever. There are plenty of "laws" already on the books that already protect law enforcement and allow for prosecution of individuals that would interfere with lawful police activity.

See the ABC15 news Article:


Update by Patrick Hansen

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