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Knowing, Using, and Defending Your Rights

Randy Kelton of Rule Of Law Radio spends his time teaching others how to defend their rights! Now he is going to share these principles with us!

Randy Kelton of ruleoflawradio.com will teach us a series of three zoom classes on how to know our rights and how to consistently win when our rights are being violated.

These zoom meetings will take place on three consecutive TUESDAY nights. We will record them.

Classes held on:
Part I: Tuesday March 9th,  8:00 pm Central

Part II: Tuesday, March 16, 8:00 pm Central

Part III: Tuesday March 23, 8:00 pm Central.

Meeting ID: 768 8946 6158

Passcode: Freedom

The zoom information is correct.  IF you have trouble getting into the zoom, please restart your computer, switch browsers or clean your cookiies.

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