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Arizona Home & Private School Choice Funding

Arizona Homeschooling Families and Private School Choice Bill Stands in Arizona for Families

Info Sep 27, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
Share (Alt) Arizona 1, Arizona 2, Arizona 4, Arizona 5, Arizona 6, Arizona 7

A Bill (HB2353) was signed and passed in Arizona to allow Arizona families more options (financially) on how they choose to educate their children in private schools or at home. Arizona now has amazing funding for how families spend their tax dollars to educate their own children. 

Home school them or enroll them into a private school/micro school of your choice. This new Arizona Bill gives the funding to the parents to choose how to invest in their child's education. That's upwards of $7,000 per student per school year we as parents get to invest how we see fit. 


Save our Schools (SOS) and other organizations tried to repeal the new Bill with a referendum vote by using misinformation in gathering signatures from voters to have it stopped. Yesterday it was revealed they did not have enough signatures to stop it, like they claimed. So the parents get to make the choice and the free market in education has won a victory for freedom in Arizona.

They failed to stop Arizona Parents from having more freedom. 

The Arizona House of Representative Press Release is here:


This new Bill is more in line with the Arizona Parental Bill of Rights (https://www.azleg.gov/ars/1/00602.htm) (https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/1/00601.htm) and is sure to bring more like minded freedom loving people to Arizona that want more freedom in how they educate their children with their own tax dollars.

To Apply follow this link: https://www.azed.gov/esa/eligibility-requirements

This News Post Reported by Patrick Hansen


The Funding Has Passed and withstood the attempt to stop it!

Oct 3, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
https://www.peoplesrights.us/news?/arizona-home-private-school-choice-funding/d9319966-3519-445d-b6e3-0f6bca28243b/29455318-2efc-4730-ac5e-a61659342b94 https://pplsrghts.net/d9319966-3519-445d-b6e3-0f6bca28243b/29455318-2efc-4730-ac5e-a61659342b94 Permalink (Alt)

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